I found this adorable little treasure titled The Tiny Book of Tiny Pleasures, written by Irene Smit & Astrid Van Der Hulst on thriftbooks.com. It’s a Tiny Book filled with simple joys and pleasures in everyday moments such as taking a warm bath or planting a garden—sprinkles on your ice cream or a pretty scarf. Drawing with chalk or spotting a bird’s nest. The possibilities of finding Tiny pleasures are endless. You can find them every single day. Even on your worst day, a tiny pleasure is sure to be waiting for you. Maybe it’s under a warm blanket or in a cup filled with tea. Maybe it’s a book or the simple glow of the evening moon. Maybe it’s a little lit candle or a nice cozy pillow.
A simple raindrop or a comfy shoe. Your favorite morning mug that holds a fresh brew of coffee. Wherever you look, you’ll find a little thrill. With winter coming to an end and spring right around the corner there are so many tiny and big pleasures awaiting you.
I can’t wait for this one!