One of my favorite holiday tradition that our family has, is going into New York City to see the tree at rockefeller center. It’s not seeing the actual tree that’s my favorite part, but the journey of getting there with my family. Every year now for the past several years, we, along with my brother and sisters family and sometimes my father in law, hop on a train from long island and head into the big city.

The girls absolutely love this tradition of heading into the city with their cousins. They especially love missing a day of school. They exhaust their excitement the night before by preparing activities and snacks for the train ride and what they’ll wear to keep them warm. The girls always feel a little anxious about getting to the train on time so we always make sure to be there at least a half hour before the train arrives. Once their cousins begin to arrive, every care in the world dissolves. Our first stop after we arrive into the city is finding a good dirty dog! It’s been a disappointment every year. No one sells them anymore. They taste like mushy gelatin with no flavor. You dont even burp up that aftertaste that comes along with a true snap in your mouth sabrette hotdog. It’s so disappointing for my sibling and I especially since we emember eating them as children when our parents took us into the city. Most of the time that was the highlight of our trip. Our next stop is santa land at Macy’s. Every year we wait over an hour on a line to go thru Santa’s land filled with elves and all sorts of Christmas cheer. I found out this year that there is an express line that takes you straight to santa claus. How did I not know that? My brother knew all along but he says “you have to have the whole experience.” I guess hes right.
This year santa had two extra little ones on his lap. Our little Liam and my sweet little nephew Salvatore Matthew. Liam had a little sented package in his diaper and was not happy at all. Lia was missing from Santa’s lap because the wait to see him was so long and hot and overall overwhelming for her so she waited with her dad on the 9th floor.
she got to watch Netflix on daddy’s phone while he took a little winter’s nap. The holidays could be overwhelming for little ones aswell as big ones and although I wished them both with us as we visited santa I understood that their happiness meant more to me than a picture with Mr. Claus. My next favorite stop is Bryant park. You would think I would have taken more pictures. I’m usually in my zone when I’m there. I love the little shops and the people hustling and bustling all around us. The tall buildings surrounding me, all lit up as the early night sky approaches. I just sit and dream about having a tiny spot this little piece of the world.
The kids always ask if they can ice skate here, but it’s always so crowded when we come that it’s best to just sit and watch everyone else skate. Before we hit our final stop, which is the tree, we always make sure to stop at the American girls doll store! With six girls on this trip it’s a must! I absolutely love this store, it’s such a magical place to be. The kids never care to get anything but they do enjoy walking around and seeing all of the set up dolls and accessories. They go around collecting all of the little papers with the product details which they cut up and use to make barbie things when they get home. Every year we stop in this store, this is the first time I felt that our little girls are growing up. I was kinda hoping they’d ask me for something, buy they didn’t. Its bitter sweat watching them all grow up.
Finally we hit our final destination. The big New York city tree. By this point everyone is cranky and tired and wants to go home. The crowd is overwhelming not only for the kids but for the adults. We take our famous picture by the tree and call it a night. The walk back to the train station always seems so long. But we all race back and do our best to get the next train home. It’s always exciting and a little nerve wracking waiting to see which track our train will depart from. It’s always funny to watch us all run in a hurry to make sure we get a comfortable seat on the long ride home. This is Lias favorite part of the day. She has the biggest smile once we get on that train back home.