Finally happy at pre-school

Your first time at pre school was truley your first time away from me and your family. Although the program is only 2 days a week, for a couple of hours, I Had a feeling you werent going to skip your way into class, and in a way, after 3 kids who cried everyday I left them at pre school, I definitely anticipated you would cry. But I anticipated you would cry way longer, for many more days and weeks to come.

You cried so much the first day that Mrs. Ellen called me back the minute I arrived home to come back to the school and hang out with you. I didn’t mind, actually I was happy she was that kind of teacher. She wanted you to be happy, not traumatized. What I felt like would never get better, she knew would get better with time.

The 2nd day, you made me promise to wait on the front steps. Silly me, I did. And I would hear you behind the door screaming for me. They finally called me to come in for the remainder hour amd a half of the class. And happily I did.

To my surprise, with each drop off you got less worried and much more happier. I think by your 4th day you finally got the picture. And I finally got to leave you knowing that I wasn’t going to have to head back to the pre school again.

Number four, turns four

This little peanut turned four last week. Feels like yesterday we brought him home.  He literally walked his way into this world it seems. He took his first steps at 6 and a half months old and by 9 months was running around and finding balls on the field.

I feel like he just grew up the fastest of all of the four children.
 As nonno used to say, slow down, don’t go too fast.

Monthly mental health at museum

Moments like this have been happening because I’ve been giving the girls a choice to take a day off of school to experience an outing with Liam during the week. Of course Lia is usually the most willing to take a day off from school. The other two are in junior high so it’s not so easy anymore for them to take a day off.

Once kids start school its difficult to spend times like these together. The weekend comes and there’s so much needed to do that there’s not enough time to do the things you’d like to do. Also, on the weekends fun and entertaining places like this are so mobbed and also overpriced, they are often less enjoyable. Lia enjoyed her special time with her brother and we enjoyed reminicing about the times we would all go together with Isabel and Melina.

Packing and eating lunch at the museum is always my favorite part! Liams is the beach with the sand and this time Lia really enjoyed the radio broadcasting exhibit. She found a love for something she never knew she had. Apparently there’s lots of learning to be had even on a day off from school. Love you my sweet children.

A mental health day

This moment brought you by a mental health day.

Lia stayed home from school today. No reason, she just needed a little break.

They should give school kids personal days off. Who said  they have to wait to be sick to have a day off? They work hard all week and miss out on moments like this. School offers our kids so much, but it also takes away from alot of important things. So happy you stayed home today lia.

Sweetest 16







Hard headed

Head strong








Scaredy cat



You make 16 look wonderful


The road unknown

The road unknown always seems to feel like such a long road. It’s not familiar and you don’t know what to expect, so it always feels like it will never end. But, then after you’ve walked down it, 2, 3, 4 times, it feels like you’re going down it 100 miles per hours. When bel was born, she was our first. It seemed like she’d stay little forever, and then 2 more followed right along after her and I swore they would all stay little together, until they all started growing up. Now, this little guy is just growing up in a blink of an eye. Having been down the road before, I know what to expext and I know hes guaranteed to grow up which is making time go even faster. Nine months away from turning 4 years old. Im drinking in every moment.

Barbie Flashback

I went downstairs in the basement with liam today to look for puzzles and flashbacks of you girls playing barbies down here immediately took me down memory lane. Of course the memories are not from too long ago but it’s been a while since the 3 of you have played together. The Barbies are still set up, and look like they’re super busy and really happy! The homes, the community, the shops you all created together with so much love and passion are alive down here. Hours of playing, creating, learning, imagining, building, inventing. These barbies had real lives, families, farms, businesses, jobs. Their homes were carefully and intentionally decorated. Children had beds and lots of toys and artwork that they created hung in their rooms. Shelves were organized and furniture and tableware was abundant for their large family dinners. There was storage and parking areas for family cars. Each barbie had a name and a personality. They had hectic schedules to be followed. There was soccer and gymnastics for little skippers to be at. Art classes, sewing school and I think some of the kids were homeschooled. There were meals to be made and backpacks to be stuffed. There were baby nurseries, playgrounds oh and lots and lots of children. Families with 6 to 21 kids. But if those kids became too much, you just got rid of them. Things can change quickly in barbie land, like the amount of kids you have, or what you do for a living or it can last up to 5 months, like thanksgiving or christmas. There were elaborate weddings with up to 150 guests, with cake and a ln incredible spread of food. There were christenings, bat mitzvahs, adoption celebrations and lots and lots of holidays. Grandma’s looked amazing and moms wore the most stylish clothes. Barbie makes raising 20 kids so easy!

Cousins played here too, bringing up to 30 or more of their own barbies. They celebrated together and shared in eachothers barbie events. These barbies had a good life and soon we will have to be put them away. So many lessons learned and memories made that will last a lifetime. Maybe, one day,  a new generation of girls to bring them back to life again. Liam is going to need a man cave!


Happy 3rd birthday!

Our fourth miracle, our 6th seat at the table, our sunrise, our sunset, our moon and stars. We love you to every moon and back. You fill our days with light and excitement, curiosity and laughter. Your love for baseball is contagious and we wish you a lifetime of homeruns!!!

Ps. Your sister Lia made your birthday cake! Yum!