Happy Halloween to my four favorite things! My modest thing (btw where are your shoes?) my stylish thing (love the earrings and skirt) , my funny thing (why is Lia the only one wearing the boa I bought?), and my messy thing (how did you get your shirt dirty already?) . You guys make me so modest, so stylish, so funny and sometimes messy. Thanks for bringing out the best things in me and sometimes the worst things in me.
Terrible twos
I love the terrible twos! For me, there is nothing terrible about being two other than adults not understanding you! Two year olds are my favorite. They always have been and after 4 kids they will always continue to be. Two year olds are so funny, so loving and so innocent. They love being with you and hearing “mommy” is the sweetest sound your ears can hear. They light up when they see you, everything is new and refreshing through their eyes. Life is good when you are two. Playing with a two year old is so much fun. They love making you plates of food and don’t mind running to get the ball they kicked over a hundred times. They’re such people pleasers and can warm your heart with a simple smile. A tantrum here and there, hmm I don’t really blame them! It’s hard hearing “no you can’t do this”, or “no you can’t have that” or “share” or “eat your peas”. The fun times a two year old can bring you definitely outweighs any of the terrible moments being two can bring. This is my last two year old and I plan to enjoy every single sweet, ugly, frustrating, wonderful moments.
Happy second birthday to our sweet little boy! You are a gift from God. You are an endless amount of joy, full of love and cuddles, attitudes and whining are never too far. You are our favorite ball player, outdoor runner, dog walker, blippi watcher, trampoline jumper, ice pop muncher, night time riser, early morning riser, mess maker. We love you all the way to the moon and back and an infinite amount of times back and forth again. You are a treasure, may you bring this world lots of goodness!
Happy 17th anniversary
Seventeen years of a beautiful marriage and
I couldn’t have asked for more than these four kids we brought into the world together. They are a symbol of our love and God’s love for us.
Seventeen years ago we would have been on our way to Hawaii, but today I’m so excited and looking forward to hopefully fitting in a nice long walk
Coffee on the porch and
Sharing left over fried calamari!
She believed she could so she did
Baking Memories Together
This was my last 10 year old girl party. I can’t believe how quickly my little girls have grown up. This was definitely an exciting party for all of the ages, so maybe this is not the end, but the beginning of new and exciting ways to celebrate my girls. We baked everything ahead of time and her sisters and cousins decorated one mini cake each and 3 cupcakes. To get them started, they all got an apron with their initial on it. There was 12 icing piping bags and got 3 little cups each of candy and cupcakes toppers to decorate, along with edible flowers and sprinkles. when they were all done we packaged their little cakes into a cake box. So adorable. I would do this party all over again. It was so much fun, I might do this for my next birthday!
Happy 10th
My last little lady turned 10 today! I remember saying to myself all year, “ok, she’s still 9, still my little baby” and now she is officially double digits. My goodness the time has flied. So many good times. Lia adds so much spice into our lives. She definitely cracks us up with her funny comments and amazes us with her mature insights. Her birthday requests was to have a day off from school, she “slept in” until 6:30 am which she called a treat. She requested to go fishing with dad in the morning, then a little beach trip with myself and Liam. Bake a cake with me, she ended up making her own cake all by herself! She requested homemade empanadas and fries for dinner and just hang out with her family! Next week she will be celebrating with family in which she asked to have a cake decorating party!
She got to make her own birthday cake! And she made this entirely by herself! My jaw dropped when I saw it completed. But this is lia, she is capable of anything!
It took me so long to cut this cake because it was just so gorgeous, how could I bring myself to cut it! Well let me say, it was just as yummy as it was gorgeous! Can’t wait to discover 10 year old Lia.
We surprised her with a Polaroid camera in which she captured beautiful moments from her day. We love you Lia and hope you had the best day ever!
Flashback: life before kids
Hawaii 2004, on my honeymoon with daddy. No sign of you children for at least 3 years. Life seemed chaotic and crazy but actually it was very simple. I had time to take a picture with a bunch of birds on my head! I had no clue what life was really about. This picture is kinda funny, fast forward 17 years and there’s 4 kids hanging around my head just like this.
I don’t wish I could go back because the present has so much to offer, but some days I wish I could just revisit these little girls who have grown so beautifully in front of my eyes. I didn’t miss a thing and I’m so happy with all of the time I invested in raising you. I didn’t sacrifice anything because every moment spent with you was worth more than anything in this world. So happy for the wisdom of knowing that things will wait, but growing up happens fast. So proud of the young ladies you’re becoming. Grateful to be on this journey of motherhood with you.
Mom’s Day
Happy Mother’s day to those who are here with us and those who have passed. Mother’s, Grandmother’s, aunts, neighbors and friends who have helped to shape us into who we’ve become and give us the wisdom to raise good humans. I love you mom.
Safta, not a day goes by that we don’t miss you. Happy mother’s day.