Happy 18th birthday!

18 years ago you made me a mom. Actually I’m still becoming a mom because with every year you get older, I become a different version of myself. Ive had to learn to be a mom of a one year old, a 2 year old, a mom of a 4 year old with 2 younger siblings, a mom of 4 children balancing a full life. Each year as you and your siblings gtow, so do I. And I love how youve raised me and the mom Im becoming.

I LOVE AND ADORE YOU! You have turned into a beautiful young woman and I am so proud of everything that you do. Enjoy the journey up ahead, because life is a journey not a destination. Enjoy ever step. And every stop. Enjoy the dead ends and the new beginnings. Above all, enjoy the people you meet along the way. Happy birthday Ibeeea!!!!