Happy 18th birthday!

18 years ago you made me a mom. Actually I’m still becoming a mom because with every year you get older, I become a different version of myself. Ive had to learn to be a mom of a one year old, a 2 year old, a mom of a 4 year old with 2 younger siblings, a mom of 4 children balancing a full life. Each year as you and your siblings gtow, so do I. And I love how youve raised me and the mom Im becoming.

I LOVE AND ADORE YOU! You have turned into a beautiful young woman and I am so proud of everything that you do. Enjoy the journey up ahead, because life is a journey not a destination. Enjoy ever step. And every stop. Enjoy the dead ends and the new beginnings. Above all, enjoy the people you meet along the way. Happy birthday Ibeeea!!!!


Love letters

Valentine’s Day is behind us, and the month of love, which we all know as February, has paved its way into March. However, that does not mean the opportunity to write or send love to someone is over. There’s even more reason to reach out to someone you love or someone you don’t know because the truth is there’s never a good reason not to. Moreloveletters.com is an online organization started by Hannah Brencher in 2011 that allows people to nominate loved ones needing extra support and love. Strangers can then sign up to receive these requests and handwrite their letters, which are then delivered to the person in need. I love this organization and think how amazing it is for someone to receive love and support from even a stranger.

Tiny Book of Tiny Pleasures

I found this adorable little treasure titled The Tiny Book of Tiny Pleasures, written by Irene Smit & Astrid Van Der Hulst on thriftbooks.com. It’s a Tiny Book filled with simple joys and pleasures in everyday moments such as taking a warm bath or planting a garden—sprinkles on your ice cream or a pretty scarf. Drawing with chalk or spotting a bird’s nest. The possibilities of finding Tiny pleasures are endless. You can find them every single day. Even on your worst day, a tiny pleasure is sure to be waiting for you. Maybe it’s under a warm blanket or in a cup filled with tea. Maybe it’s a book or the simple glow of the evening moon. Maybe it’s a little lit candle or a nice cozy pillow.

A simple raindrop or a comfy shoe. Your favorite morning mug that holds a fresh brew of coffee. Wherever you look, you’ll find a little thrill. With winter coming to an end and spring right around the corner there are so many tiny and big pleasures awaiting you.  I can’t wait for this one!

Generous Ramadan!!

Ramadan, a holy month of fasting, prayer, and community for Muslims is right around the corner. It’s a time to reflect on faith, spend with family, and give to charity. It’s also a perfect time to get creative with family and friends.

My friend at Lulu+Jasmin has some fun stencils, tattoos, and posters in her shop that you can use to make beautiful greeting cards, and unique crafts, and create endless projects for the upcoming holiday or any future event. 
Here are some Ramadan facts: 
  • Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. 
  • During Ramadan, Muslims don’t eat or drink anything during daylight hours. 
  • The meal Muslims eat before sunrise is called Suhoor. 
  • The meal Muslims eat after sunset to break their fast is called Iftar. 
  • The end of Ramadan is celebrated with Eid ul-Fitr, the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast. 

How can you celebrate Ramadan with kids? 

  • Decorate the house
  • Bake treats
  • Mark the days with a calendar
  • Volunteer or give to charity
  • Be kind to others
  • Make snacks for Iftar
  • Include children’s friends
  • Encourage children to participate in fasting
  • Introduce children to charitable giving
 What are some greetings for Ramadan?
“Ramadan Mubarak” and “Ramadan Kareem” are common greetings during Ramadan, meaning “Have a Blessed or Generous Ramadan”. 

Winter Games

During these past few winter months, we have loved playing board games and all kinds of card games. Our top favorite are: Backgammon, Rummikub, Memory matching, a good old fashion card game of War. And thanks to my sister in law for bringing back the all time beloved Spit game. If your an 80s or 90s kid you might remember how to play this intense game of spit. If not here is a quick refresher on how to play.

Happy Love Day!

Where you plant love, there you will find your Valentines.

I believe there’s a Valentine out there for each and everyone of you. There’s a husband or a wife, a boyfriend or a girlfriend. A mother or a father, a sister or a brother. A grand parent, a neighbor, a friend or even a special furry little companion. Valentines day is meant to be shared with those you love. Happy Valentines day!

Today’s Reminder

This too shall pass. A new season is guaranteed to be born. Whatever season you are currently in, whether you’re enjoying it or not, it will come to an end and a new season will begin. Put a jacket on, sit by a cozy fire and wait for the thaw.