Our little ladies have begun to lay eggs (an egg)! Not these little ladies!
These little ladies!
We think it was Minnie, lias chicken, the biggest of all four girls. She’s been acting strange after she roosts herself for the evening, sitting at the edge of the front door of the coop. Usually she’s tucked all the way in the corner, but these past three days she’s been sitting with her body half in the coop and her head out almost like she’s on the lookout for something. My husband said that he thought she was getting ready to lay her first egg and he was right.
Waiting for the hens to lay an egg was almost like waiting for the arrival of my own children, it felt like it was never going to happen! The feeling of opening up the coop and finding that egg was so exciting! I wanted to share it with the entire world and I did share it with all of my friends and family, like a birth announcement! Reaction was a little different than announcing a newborn baby! Everyone started telling me how they liked their egg cooked!
when I noticed the egg I quickly ran into the house and told the girls “we got an egg!” I let Lia have the honors of taking the egg out because we all agree it’s from her girl! There was another cracked egg in the coop which we believe could have been from yesterday. So technically she must have laid her first egg yesterday!