My seven year old daughter, Lia, wants to change the world just as Dr. Martin Luther King jr. did. But she said she’s afraid that if she tries to do something good that something bad will happen to her. Like so many other people in history, Martin Luther king died doing something he believed in. I told lia that in his short life, he did more and lived more than most people who live to be 100 years old. He made a contribution to this world, and left his foot prints for others to follow. He was a soldier fighting a war and he won. I dont think he would have changed a thing about his fight. Lia, never let fear stop you from doing good in this world.
Monthly Archives: January 2019
The Carpenterettes
The other day Amir prepared a bird house project for the girls. They always see him doing work around the house, whether its building a shed from scratch, or building a bunk bed, or putting in new floors the girls always like watching the process and ask what can they do. This past Christmas Lia asked for her own tool kit so she could be like dad. So, since the girls have such an interest he figured he’d come up with a project that they could build from start to finish. He took lia to home depot with him and selected the wood, then with lia by his side he cut enough pieces to build three bird houses. He then had each girl step by step put each piece of their own house together. They each got a turn using the drill and they had so much fun. The building part was with dad and painting the houses was with me. They’re so big now that I barely have to do anything. I dont even get to decide on the color that they use. Basically, it’s not my project anymore. I had to hold back on trying to pick out the colors I liked when we were shopping for the paint. I’m so glad I didnt influence they’re choices, they put together great color schemes. As they get older I can definatley see them doing more projects with dad. They love to build things, even better if they get to use real tools.
I can’t wait to hang these in our yard and meet our new furry neighbors.
Hush, little baby
When our oldest daughter was born, my husband and I made up our own lyrics to the well known childrens lullaby hush little baby. I made up a mother’s version and he made up a father’s version. Many nights were spent rocking our children to sleep to that song and tonight when I laid down with lia on her bunk bed I sang her my version.
Hush, little baby don’t you cry, mamas going to catch you a butterfly. And if that butterfly flutters by, mamas going to bake you an apple pie. And if that apple pie ain’t warm, mamas going to make you a cobb of corn. And if that corn ain’t sweet and ripe, mamas going to teach you to read and write. And once you’ve learned your abc’s mamas, going to teach you your 123’s. So hush little baby don’t you cry, mamas going to always be by your side.
Rewrite your story
I love the beginning of a new year. Its an opportunity to make a fresh start. An opportunity to rewrite your story. If last years story didn’t turn out so well, start writing a new one. Or do a little editing. What worked? What didn’t work? What things did you do last year that you can take off of your bucket list. What can you add to it this year? The world is filled with so much opportunity. Its ours for the taking. We just have to realize it. I tell my girls they can do or be anything they want. This year, they can find their brave, try new things, maybe dance, sing, or discover new hobbies. What ever it is, today is the best day to start.